Monday, December 28, 2015

Foggy Christmas

It was 70 degrees on Christmas, and foggy. Keeping everyone from seeing the Full Moon which was to be an extraordinaire event to end 2015. But like much of 2015...and the years before it, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

So here we are, " the end of all things."

2015, I lost my Samwise Gamgee two and a half hours before I turned 40. I'd have loved to have been his Samwise, but I was more of a whiney Frodo (like Frodo himself). Plus, Sam is the real hero in the story.

This is the time of year, thanks to the revolutionary "Racism Machine" known as Facebook, we get to find out who among us (all of us) are "ready for 2015 to be over!" Not me.

I'll miss 2015. Like missing a cat, who pisses on your clothes, when he's no longer there.
Sure your clothes don't smell, but at the same time - your clothes don't smell.

And in the end, 2016 is going to be no different than 2015 and all the years before it.
Good times. Bad times. Great times even.

Cats will piss on things. Cars will have unexpected expenses. And my kid will do something that makes me laugh my ass off.

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