Will it be "4 more cookies!" or "A New Cook in the Kitchen" in November.
Here's a blog I wrote 4 years ago about cookies & the Election.
Random thoughts, lots of curse words, tons of spelling errors, and a comprehensive journal of Scott Caan stalking me.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Police - STING!
Is there nothing Sting can’t do?
Nobody is going to be trafficking Roxanne for sex…except Roxanne herself…(get it? She’s a whore!)
Friday, June 8, 2012
I wanted to write a blog about my vacation to Aruba …but I don’t want to make you jealous…and more importantly, I don’t have access to my photos at the moment (to help NOT make you jealous).
I also wanted like to write about all of the commitments I have at the moment. Unfortunately, many of them are not public knowledge and it would sound like I am whining when in accuality, I would be trying to boast about how important I am.
So instead, I’ll tell you a quick little story:
About 2 weeks ago, right before I left for Aruba , my iPod died. I have terrible luck with these damn things (read the tale of my previous dead iPod HERE - what are the odds? And on the day AIDS was cured!)
Julie gave me her iPod and told me to go ahead and wipe it clean allowing me to load my music on. What a sweetheart! So I totally did it! But I kept some of her music too. Which is how I up driving down the road blasting The Muppets theme song followed by "Girlfriend in a Coma."
I have just hit shuffle and these are the first 20 songs that played…
1-Joseph Smith American Moses from The Book of Mormon. Speaking of AIDS!
2-Cigarette by Ben Folds Five. There is always a good chance a BF5 song will play when my iPod is on shuffle as most of my iPod is Ben Folds.
3-Missing Piece by The Forces of Evil. This is a side project from 3 of the current members of Reel Big Fish. Basically it’s Reel Big Fish, but Aaron Barrett gets to say “fuck” a lot more! He feared RBF was breaking up and started this band. RBF is playing in Lancaster this month.
4-Scott’s a Dork (Skacoustic version) by Reel Big Fish. What are the odds right? This song is about Scott Klopfenstein, the former trumpet player for the band (I know, I can’t believe he’s not in RBF anymore either).
5-The Real Me by The Who. Quadrophenia bitches!
6-Bulletproof by La Roux. Honestly I don’t think this is one of either Julie or mine. Maybe it came with the iPod?
7-The Sunnyside of the Streets by The Pogues. Irish.
8-Dig My Grave by They Might Be Giants. I remember when Erick bought Apollo 18 from Wee Three Records. We listened to the shit out of that album.
9-(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding by Elvis Costello. There really is not a bad Elvis Costello song.
10-Mrs Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel. The greatest incomplete song ever written. I love that the first half of the song is “missing.”