I am a huge West Wing fan. I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a Winghead, but only because that is really lame! So I lent my DVDs to Kerry hoping she’d come back and say, “Oh my God! Kevin, you changed my life!” I still think it could happen. But I was able to convince Kerry, Jim and Julie we should start up a little ritual called West Wing Thursdays…I didn’t realize it would end up costing me $1200.
We watch a couple episodes and Capt. Morse Toliver’s plane was shot down. We were all sadden (except Jim who saw it coming, Oh and me and Julie who have seen this episode about 5 times before). We all said goodbye and went our own ways. And then Kerry called my cell phone.
Apparently Jim was walking home and found a kitty cat just sitting in the sidewalk. He didn’t move when Jim came up behind him, which seemed weird. Jim bent down to pet the kitty and realized he was completely underfeed. He called Kerry who called us (or more specifically, Julie).
Jim and Kerry are “dog people”, Julie is a “cat person” (I am too by marriage).
So off we went to see the cat.
Turns out he was an adorable black cat with white pawls and a white mouth and chest. Kerry and Jim took to calling him “Boots.” He was extremely affectionate and loved to be pet (reminds me of another cat I know). But he looked like complete hell. He could barely stand up. He seemed like he was throwing himself at Jim, Kerry, Julie and I as we’d pet him. I think he was just overjoyed at the attention, which judging from the way he looked he had been in severe lack of for quite a while.
So after very little debate, we set out to find an animal hospital open at 11:30pm. This proved to be a bit more difficult than one would imagine. We ended up driving up and down every street in Newport, DE, because the phone number we had obtained was locked in Kerry’s now dead cell phone. Eventually we found the Hospital.
In the light of an examination room the kitty looked even worse. She weighted almost nothing and half of that was fleas. After about an hour wait we saw the doctor. The doctor gave us a breakdown of what they would do. First of which was make sure the kitty, who Kerry and I had now dubbed Lupin after the mangy character in Harry Potter, didn’t have any diseases. I guess many people figure if it’s sick it’s not worth saving. So they wouldn’t run any tests other than to see if the cat was “worthy” of more tests. I don’t blame the doctors for this, we are such a throw away society it just takes over everything we do. Julie impressed me by telling the doctors to treat Lupin for the fleas. Julie didn’t say it, but I knew she figured even if he wasn’t going to make it, he damn sure should be comfortable.
I asked the doctor’s to run some numbers for me. Not to be insensitive, but I wanted to see if I should file a class action suit against Michael Vick. Apparently I should.
So how does this story end? Does Lupin meet the same fate as Capt Morris Toliver of West Wing? Or does he move in tomorrow to torture the only child kitty that just celebrated her 1 year adoption day last week?
What do you think? You shell out this kind of money, you best get a happy ending!
But I will say this, if this is an indication of how West Wing Night is going to be, we’re going to have to make it monthly, not weekly…or I’m going to have to get a second job.
Yay for Little Lupin! That poor little baby boy. I can't wait to see him again.
I'm sure the Vet would have preferred to do everything in her power to save Lupin and check him out, it's just that as we were the ones footing the bill, she gave us the option of deciding which expenses to incur first/at all. It's not the Vet's 'throwaway' mindset, I'm sure -- just a reflection of the mindsets of a lot of the people she comes across, sadly. I know that's what you meant, but I just wanted to clarify because that Vet was really nice, and she took good care of our new baby for us last night and got him a lifesaving blood transfusion on top of it!
I love Lupin, and I think you guys are the most nicest people ever, and also that J is nicer than Claire cause Claire thinks not so much that the vet was of the throwaway mentality but that her mindset given what she probably sees a lot of would be less stray saving than not.
As little Lupin's Godfather, I have to say, "meow meow meow meow meow meow meow." That is to say, thank you for saving this kitty's life.
Jim is an underfed animal magnet.
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