Wednesday, February 5, 2020

CLICK Through to Save the World

From time to time, I'll CLICK on the "Promoted" posts on Twitter. If for no other reason then to keep someone employed whose job it is to TRICK people into clicking on those links.

I do it because they can have hidden little gems in there. Today was no different:

I clicked on a link called "My Daily Magazine." That's a terrible titled for various reasons, not least of which is that there's no way there is a print publication of this "Magazine."

The article boasts that it provides hints in nature to alert the reader when something bad is going to happen. For example the sky turning green before a thunderstorm rolls in, or that brightly covered bugs/snakes tend to be poisonous

You know, things you'd have learned in Cub Scouts or Brownies if modern parents weren't so petrified about sending their kids out into the real world!

My favorite is a section is titled, "The Ocean Roar." That informative bit goes on to state:

"Usually, the ocean waves make a beautifully calming sound that plenty of people like to sleep to. But on occasion, the ocean roars like a train."

Okay. Not the best constructed sentence, but I'm with you.

"If you hear this unusual sound, chances are that a tsunami is coming toward you. The ocean is dangerous enough without a tsunami rushing to the coast, so get away immediately."

Daaaaamn, Gina!

Oh, it gets darker!

"While most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, a meteorite crashing into the ocean can launch a wave around the world. It is said that 3.5 billion years ago, a huge asteroid hit Earth, causing giant tsunamis to roam the oceans." 

Holy Shit! Where do we run?
Also, is that baby Superman coming from Krypton?

This is my favorite part:

"Hopefully, we’ll be able to shoot down any asteroids trying to do the same today."

I'm sure our new Space Force has this under control.

Fuck Cub Scouts and Brownies, maybe we should all go to Space Camp! If for no other reason than to have learned that a "meteorite" and an "asteroid" are not the same thing.

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