Thursday, January 9, 2020

I HATE This Photo For Three Reasons:

Admittedly, I original read this as "4 Things to Do To Put $1,000+ in the Bank."
However, I think my complaints still apply.


I HATE this photo for three reasons:

1. It says "...once you have 1000+ in the bank..." this is WAAAAY more than 1000+. Assuming those are bundles of one hundred $100 bills, this is about three million dollars. Tagging anything over a million bucks as $1000+ is crazy and probably the thought process behind the majority of conservatives being against higher taxes for the 1%.

2. This is clearly NOT a bank, but rather a Mansion's Private Money Closet.

3. Much like the wealth in this country, the lighting is disproportional leaving those on the bottom in the dark.

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