Monday, January 21, 2019

"The Punch Up Podcast, Thanks For Listening"

Every episode begins with Steve (and once Jessie) saying, "Welcome to the Punch Up Podcast, thanks for listening..."

Almost 3 years ago, Steve Roney asked me to be part of The Punch Up Podcast.

Friday night, we performed/recorded our 100th and final episode. It has been an absolute pleasure to be part of this comedic journey.

My sincerest thanks to everyone who has ever agreed to be on the show including Dave Jadico, Alli Soowal, Kevin Dougherty, Mary Carpenter, Don Montrey, Jim Carpenter, Darryl Charles, Sean Curran, Kristin Finger, Sean Roach, Fred Siegel, Brian McCann, Joe Sabatino, Josh Rubinstein, David Dritsas, Danna Young, Chip Chantry, and Olivia Roth.

My undying gratitude to all of the people who lent technical support for live shows: Dave, Kristin, Don, Josh Holober-Ward, Andrea Kellner, Lauren "Blaze" Mehalik, Kathleen Sheehy, Emily Zargan, and especially Tim Scepansky, who hung in there with us for our Facebook live episode.

Also, a huge thanks to each and every person who has ever taken time out of their lives to listen to a single episode. There is so much you could do with your time, so choosing to listen to us talk about everything from making toy guns out of tampons, to selling Mummers albums in the freezing cold, makes us extremely grateful.

Finally, all of my love to my fellow podcasters Eoin O'Shea, Jessie Preisendorfer, and of course the hostest with the mostest, Steve Roney. What an honor to have been part of these 100 episodes with you three amazingly funny human beings. I don't know what's next, but look forward to all the laughs along the way as we figure it out.

"Now ring that bell..."


  1. Congratulations and much gratitude to all of you for providing all of us with so much fun and entertaining stuff to listen to! The show will definitely be missed, and I'm looking forward to whatever it is that comes next!
