Wednesday, January 2, 2019

If Your First Name is an Adjective, Watch Your Ass!

Mean Gene Okerlund and Super Dave Osbourne both passed away today.

If your first name happens to be an adjective, watch your ass! 2019 looks to be a spiteful bitch!

Also, someone get Weird Al Yankovic to a secured location!


After this blog "went to press," Daryl Dragon, better known as "Captain" in the power duo, Captain and Tennille passed away. Similar to Mean Gene & Super Dave, Captain was 76 years old.

Two questions loom:

1. What is happening to 76 year olds?
2. Why would you drop the name Dragon to be called Captain.

Also, "Captain" isn't typically considered an adjective, unless you're a "captain of industry." Which, of course, Dragon was.

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