Monday, February 5, 2018


I have so many thoughts going through my head the day after the Eagles have (FINALLY) won the Superbowl.

So many things I'd like to talk about. For example, being a fan because my Dad was a passionate fan, so I just kind of inherit it. Or the years my Dad's company had a penthouse box at the Vet and we could go to every game. Or something more recent, like performing a ComedySportz match at the Linc and then getting a private tour of the field.

But instead, I thought it would be cute to relay a story that now makes more sense to me.

First a little background:

My sister-in-law, Ellen is from Buffalo, NY. She's a huge Buffalo sports fan. We have always had a revelry between my Flyers and her Sabres. So much so, that I taught her daughter, my niece to say "Let's Go Flyers" at a very early age. She'd do it to get her mom's goat. I loved it!

My Mom and my niece, Brianna, with a Flyers hat
that I may or may not have had something to do with it.

So fast forward many years, and I have a child of my own. She somehow picks up the chant. "Let's Go Buffalo." Probably from her aunt. She'll randomly chant it at me during Flyers game. She's relentless.

Last night I asked her who she's rooting for in the Superbowl, The Patriots or The's the video of her answer.

She's clearly a demon.

So as the game goes on, I continually ask her, who she's rooting for. AND STILL her answer is the same. The Patriots.

Finally it seemed like I had finally won her over as she mistakenly forgot who she was rooting for. But of course, she was quick to correct her mistake.

Finally it was time for bed. She was asleep before seeing the "sad" outcome. for her new adopted team.

Julie and I watched and cheered as the Eagles won their first Superbowl Championship.

This morning, I left for work before Kit was awake. While Julie was driving her to school she said, Guess what, Kit! The Eagles won the football game last night!"

Julie said Kit got sad and weepy.

So Julie asked, "Why did you want the Eagles to lose?"

Her answer kinda breaks my heart...

"Daddy told me that if the Eagles lose, he'll take me to the Y to swim on Tuesday, but if they win he won't."

In fact, it was the other way around. I have ComedySportz practice in the city on Tuesday night, BUT the parade was originally scheduled for Tuesday night. So it was decided, if the Eagles win, we'd cancel practice because of the craziness.

That said, I can still take Kit to the Y, we just go right after I pick her up from school.

So, I'll be taking her to swim at the Y on Tuesday. In fact, going through my camera and finding THIS photo has made my day. So I'll make hers by surprising her when I get her from school and take her to the Y to swim today!  


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