Monday, July 17, 2017

ComedySportz & The Punch Up Podcast (MASH UP!)

This Saturday (July 22nd) is the 25th Anniversary of ComedySportz in Philadelphia. It's the longest running show in Philly!!!

I have been extremely fortunate to have been a cast member since 2011 and a Board Member for about the same amount of time. 

In my time with CSz Philadelphia, I have met some of the kindest, funniest, and most talented people in the city...and also Joe Sabatino.

If you're able to make it to the special 25th Anniversary match(es) this Saturday night (7pm or 9:30pm) located at The Mandell Theater on Drexel University's campus, I highly encourage you to do so! I have been working with some of the best and brightest to produce this momentous night. So cancel your eff-ing plans and do this!!!

Get your tickets by CLICKING here.

Last week and this week, The Punch Up Podcast has been hosting players, to tell their ComedySportz origin stories.  Here's spider bites, no alien rings, and no dead parents in an alley way. Just good old fashion "Yes, And."

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