Every time someone posts something positive on social media, my initial response is, "Awesome."
And now occasionally, "Amazing."
But both of them, I use WAAAAY too much.
Starting today, and running through the rest of the year, I am going to comment, "That's what's up!"
POST: She said yes!
MY COMMENT: That's what's up!
POST: This fall we'll be introducing a new member to the family!
MY COMMENT: That's what's up!
POST: Holy Shit! Agents are bringing people out of Mar-A-Lago in handcuffs!
MY COMMENT: That's what's up!
Please don't think that I am in any way being sarcastic if I leave this comment on one of your posts. It's just that I want to convey my feelings about your news in a positive way with out saying "Awesome."
I don't know how people will react to this, but me...I think...that's what's awesome. Shit! Fuck! Dammit! It's a hard habit to break.
Random thoughts, lots of curse words, tons of spelling errors, and a comprehensive journal of Scott Caan stalking me.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Fuck Your Hobby
Forget smart phones and video games, 1789 was before baseball was invented (1839). Before ice hockey was invented (1875). Before basketball was invented (1891). Before football was invented (1920). Before the wide popularity of 18 hole golf as we know it or bowling. Before film was invented (1895) and porno films (soon after film). The piano was still in its infancy and the drum kit wouldn't be invented for over a hundred years. Even the first national selling beer, Budweiser, wouldn't come out until 1876. There were not a lot of things to do recreationally besides fucking, fighting, and shooting guns.
But here we are almost two and half centuries later and that strange need for guns is still so important to some people that even the murdering of children is not enough to sway their opinions. I don't know, man. Maybe you just suck at having fun, but there has to be a better way than this.
Monday, April 11, 2022
Sometimes it's hard to remember what I did over a weekend. There are a lot of times, when Monday morning rolls around, it doesn't seem like I did much of anything. THIS was NOT one of those weekends!
I figured I should put it down in writing, so on those "lazy weekends" I can remember why the LAZY is so desperately needed!
Normally my work day is 6am to 2:30pm. However, there was nothing normal about Friday April 8!
I started off filming a safety program for "Slips, Trip, and Falls." On this particular day, we were working on the OFFICE version. I don't typically like to film on half days, as there's not time to get much done. However, I wanted to at least get a handful of shots "in the can," so I could edit them Monday morning.
(Actually it's empty)
I was only working a half day, 6-10am. I had another commitment elsewhere.
My daughter's principal was hosting "An Ice Cream Social" at the school and they needed parent volunteers to help hand out the ice cream to the students (as well as sorbet - yay VEGAN!).
We were heroes to those kids! Thanks to Scoops of Media for the ice cream/sorbet.
There was about a hour of school left after all of the ice cream was handed out (those poor teachers!) So I had time to kill. I walked around Media for about 45 minutes.
It was nice and not something I get to do as regularly as I'd like to during the week.
"Walking around media" consisted of getting coffee at Cafe Isla and a shit load of candy at Games on State. the arcade on State Street.
Once Kit's school ended, we went home and walked the dog. Then, I headed to Fan Expo (previously Wizard World) in Philadelphia for the first of three very different shows this weekend (two of which were at Fan Expo).
I played NerdProv with ComedySportz (in our NEW uniforms!)
Always one of my favorite matches of the year, and this one was special.
With the exception of Remark with Kristin & Mike, and a performance of Roll Play in late December with Shaun, I hadn't performed with any of these fine people in a very long time!
It was my first ComedySportz match since March 8, 2020!
That was 761 days ago!!!
After the match, many of us hung out on the exhibit floor...after all WE'RE at Fan Expo!
We had a slightly early start to Saturday morning as we needed to get Kit up, breakfast, and dressed in her softball uniform for her team photos at 9am, AKA pure chaos! I forgot, as a coach, I had to get a photo too! I met the team's head coach to get MY uniform.
(You'll have to tune back in for THOSE photos once we get them).
Then Kit and I hightailed it over to her theater class at the Media Theater (still in her softball uniform). We were about 10 minutes late. If you know me, you know this is worse than being stabbed in the gut to me!
I then had down time as I waited for Kit's class to end. I walked to the softball field, where Kit's softball league would be having Opening Day ceremonies in the afternoon.
They found that their American flag was missing! So, as the Media Area Girls Softball board prepped the field for Opening Day, I ran to Deal's in Media and bought a lot of American flags! I even helped hang them and the MAGS banners. If they are crooked, you know who to blame.
Then, after Kit's class, we went grocery shopping since she was staying over Grammy's house that night.
I made Kit & myself lunch as Julie did our taxes. Then I took the dog for a walk.
Kit and I packed the car for her sleep over AND went back to the softball field for Opening Day!
The mayor even threw out the first pitch...twice. He wanted a do-over.
City Theater had been hired by The Delaware Contemporary to help with their fundraiser.
So Kerry and I developed and performed "An Art Heist."
This was an absolute JOY! Some of these people I hadn't performed with in many, many years! Who do you think stole the painting?
(*It was determined by the patrons)
After the show, Julie and I drove home from Wilmington. I staved off my mustache. We couldn't find anywhere to eat a late night dinner. So we drove BACK to Delaware and went to Home Grown in Newark. Good thing gas is so cheap!
After dinner we went home and fell asleep many times during Saturday Night Live.
Awoken by a puking cat, we feed the animals and decided to take advantage of having the house to ourselves and watched like 4 episodes of Parks & Rec.
We took the dog for a walk and found the sun to be a big fat liar as it was much colder than the thermometer indicated. It was a quick walk.
Julie went to pick up Kit and went to my third and final show of the weekend...back to Fan Expo to do a recording of Remark in front of a LIVE audience.
THIS was also the first time, in the two years of doing Remark, that Kristin and I (and Mike) were in the same room!
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
My Complex Feelings Towards Boba Fett
Back around the beginning of 1999, I wrote a piece about my strong dislike of the Star Wars character, Boba Fett. I say "piece," because this wasn't a blog post. In fact it was pre: Facebook Notes, Blogger, UJournal, MySpace, and even Friendster. I also say "piece" as it is quite the piece of shit. Even now I loathe much of my writing as soon as I write it. So you can imagine my feelings for something I wrote almost 25 years ago! BUT, I do like a few of the things I mentioned in it.
The gist of the piece was that it's okay for nerds to go against "popular nerd opinions." My unpopular opinion, was that Boba Fett was a one dimensional character, a "filler character" as I originally described him, who had achieved unwarranted hero worship. I went on to say:
I don’t see why everyone goes crazy for this guy (Boba Fett). He’s a bounty hunter, but so is Luca Brasi from the Godfather. I've never seen anyone carrying a Luca Brasi lunch box in my life.
Boba Fett does deliver Han Solo’s body, frozen in carbonite, to Jabba the Hutt. However, he didn’t actually capture him. Darth Vadar captured Solo, and if you really want to get literal Lando Calrissian actually captured his friend Han. Nice friend. Boba Fett was simply in the right place at the right time.
(*This Dennis Miller-esque reference also required "Googling")
Valentine's Day is coming up...let's say you have your secretary call and order flowers for your wife, but you merely sign your name. Should acne-covered kids in arcades across America wear t-shirts of you?
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
On the EVE of JAN 6
Stay with me...this is going somewhere...this is some Third Eagle of the Apocalypse shit right here!