First, let me start by saying, I like Wham, George Michael, and yes, even the Christmas song "Last Christmas."
So, what is Whamageddon you might be asking...but if you're on Facebook you probably already know whether you're playing or friends of yours are playing.
The more complex explanation can be found here:
Though the quick explanation is simply, "try to avoid hearing 'Last Christmas' until Christmas Day."
There are some rules:
So the first rule about Fight Whamageddon is just don't hear the song. It's the gist of the whole game.
Rule number two, is the time frame of the game. All of December up until the moment Christmas actually hits. Which, if you happen to be driving through time zones, could affect you. So be vigilant. Like when feeding Gremlins.
The third rule is it has to be the original version by Wham. If you hear, say Taylor Swift's version, you're in the clear (though some might argue otherwise...for the record, I also like Taylor Swift AND her version of the song).
And finally you're out the second you recognize the song.
Easy right?
NOTE that there is a "suggested" rule of sorts, but kinda/not really. Basically, "Don't Be A Dick." BUT I hold fast to the idea, BE WHO YOU ARE! Therefore, if you were a dick before Whamageddon, you're free to be a dick DURING Whamageddon.
So this is how I was a dick during Whamageddon...(kinda/not really)
First, almost the entirety of ComedySportz Philadelphia was playing. Our Executive Director & Player, Don Montrey suggested the game to the whole company. Many jumped onboard. Don himself, was eliminated on DAY #1! When he walked into a Starbucks to get a coffee and the song was playing.
Immediately we were all on high alert. Originally I opted to play quiet and just try to make it through. But then I talked to my friend Danna, who accidentally eliminated herself with a mix she had previously made. Danna had suggested she wanted to knock people out. To which many people told her that was against the rules. I confirmed that it in fact was NOT against the rules, and then completely changed my strategy. My the last person standing!
So, after confirming he was not playing, I had my co-worker, Sergio change my out going message on my cell phone. Wham's hit (was it a hit) would now play for every sales call, every wrong number, and yes every person who called after I texted them "Hey can you call me when you get a chance? It's not important."
YES! I planned to ambush people by asking them to call me, and thus knocking themselves out.
Here's the slight snag. Sergio himself is an ACE prankster. Many an employee sits ion their chair to trigger an airhorn at our work. And by many, I mean one employee, Joe. Sergio loves to torture Joe. And everyone loves when Sergio tortures Joe.
But I digress...
First, I texted Danna (whom I have already mentioned). I knew she was already eliminated, but wanted to have a control subject in this experiment. This somewhat backfired as Danna immediately when to our private ComedySportzs FB group and revealed my plan. I had hoped this net might snare 4 or 5 people, but in the end it caught no one. Thanks Danna!
It almost got Alan, who I had also texted to call me. Alan is an extremely busy individual who also is incredibly nice. He texted me back and said, it'll be a little while before he could call. I got excited. I told him it was fine, no rush. He texted me again